What it’s Like to Fly to/from Orlando International Airport Today
What is it like to fly to/from Orlando International Airport these days? It’s terrific! Yes, i’m actually saying air travel is great. I don’t think I’ve ever said that before. Imagine that the airport exists only for you. It’s truly the best experience I’ve ever had flying.
Here’s a quick photo story from my recent journey on a flight from Orlando International to New Jersey.
Orlando International Airport Security check
On a typical July day here in Orlando, you could expect to see crowds of people and strollers in line waiting for the security screening. Lines average 30-45 minutes. Today, there was no wait. The entire process took less than 5 minutes.
Jetblue terminal at Orlando International Airport
Once again, I just want to reiterate that this is July…in Orlando International Airport! We had the place to ourselves. That’s some carpet, isn’t it? Only a few of the restaurants were opened, Burger King, McDonalds and Starbucks. They were minimally staffed so there were short lines.
Plenty of seating at the Jetblue terminal - Orlando International Airport
The terminal was quiet and relaxing. You could actually hear the music playing. At the gate there was plenty of seating. The entire boarding process took less than 1o minutes we left the gate ahead of schedule. It felt more like a VIP/corporate airport than Orlando International. By the way, did you know there are real fossils imprinted in the floor tile all over the airport? I didn’t either, but a Jetblue employee pointed that out to me. I’m sure it would be cost-prohibitive to do that today.
Onboard one of Jetblue’s newest planes. The blue lighting is a nice touch.
There were only 10 other people on the plane, all distanced appropriately. Not quite 6ft apart, but we were free to move and find an empty row if we wanted once we got in the air. Some passengers took the entire row to lay down. There was all the overhead luggage space you could possibly imagine. Masks are required for the entire flight except for eating. Everyone followed the rules. Jetblue made a point of telling us the air is NOT recirculated on the plane. They have fresh air intakes and they filter the air. Snacks come in a prepackaged bag with a bottle of water.
Deplaning was a breeze. We were off the plane in less than 5 minutes. That’s always the worst part for me, I can’t wait to get off once we land.
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